Review of Marge the Meanie

The Simpsons: Marge the Meanie (2022)
Season 33, Episode 20
Truly great episode!
8 May 2022
Not every day we get episodes of The Simpsons where the focus is on Marge and Bart bonding. I think they're absolutely great and very underrated and underappreciated. This episode here is, by far, my most favourite season 33 episode by a mile.

It's nice to see Marge and Bart share a common interest and bond over it, instead of Bart abandoning that interest (as had sadly happened in the episode Chief of Hearts). I can understand why people may feel as though Bart is "out of character", but to be completely honest, I like THIS Bart much better.

I was also a little worried by the programme synopsis, where it said that their bonding terrified Homer. By that I thought there was going to be a repeat of similar events in the episode Tennis the Menace, where Homer is terrified of himself being killed by Bart and Bart marrying Marge. Thank god that's not what that part was about!

By the way, RTÉ2 is also going to air The Simpsons episode Marge's Son Poisoning at 4:30pm on 12th May 2022, very good very nice timing!
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