Young Royals: Avsnitt 1 (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
An alternate universe
8 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I do not understand the double standard that imdb has about posting reviews. If I post a review with a word in caps, I am almost always flagged and my review is denied.

And yet, here I am seeing people screaming out in caps their feelings about the show.

I am only going to review the first episode, which I found disgusting, revolting and disturbing.

If you want to watch a show where people think using the f-word is the pinnacle of existence, have a great time. You can also watch someone slurping up spaghetti doused in catchup, someone barfing, boys spitting into a cup and then expecting the "young royal" to drink it, so that then he can be part of the fraternity, and other awkward moments.

I felt like I was watching a show that had human beings in it, but that I didn't understand or relate to any of them... except Prince Wilhelm. Edvin Ryding does a great job at portraying a young royal who is at odds with himself. He has potential. His potential/apparent/future love interest, Omar Rudberg, playing the lower class student, is gorgeous. They make a beautiful, unique couple. But to get to that moment, there was a lot of ugliness, vulgarity, stupidity and profanity.

I guess this is how it is in our world now. There was nothing subtle, everything was bang you over the head obnoxious.

I'll see what the next episode brings, but honestly, it felt like I had entered an alternate universe, and I was extremely glad I wasn't living in it -- except, the more I thought about it, I am living in it. All the hate, class consciousness, stupidity, vulgarity -- it's all around us. It made me sad to think this is how things are.

But maybe this couple can find love? I don't know.
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