Review of The Batman

The Batman (2022)
Swing and a miss, but might set up a good sequel
7 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If the sequel features Joaquin Phoenix, Robert Pattinson might be the best counterpart. Batman and Joker have to be similar in too many ways - intensely dissatisfied with the world, dramatically altered appearance, drastic steps to compensate, yet different final solutions. This Batman focuses on the psychological aspect, which has the potential for a compelling sequel.

Sadly, however, this Batman lacks in so many categories. The fights were neither realistic, nor particularly interesting. The detective work was fundamentally lacking - throwing some tech and reading the next page in the script is not detective work. The romantic component was just sort of, there, without illuminating any significant component of either character, nor advancing their arcs in any meaningful fashion. And what was his motivation again? I am...fear? Darkness? Vengeance? Why does he want to embody an emotion again? While I haven't seen the Twilight series, if Batman starts to sparkle in the sequel, I'm shutting off the movie and not finishing it.

This was the best Riddler we've seen - brutal, deliberate, and sharing a compelling similar backstory to our hero. Still lacking a bit in overall development, as we don't know how/why he learned violence was the answer to his problems. Additionally, we can only surmise why he blames society at large, hence the targeting in the finale.

Additionally, the tactics were laughably miserable. Batman is bulletproof? So long as it hits the right spot? And he calculates these tanks how? What about the magic ramp in the fire car chase? Sounds more like luck than tactical brilliance. Wasn't the traditional Batman known for his planning?

And what in the world were they thinking introducing Catwoman last second in the final fight? When seconds matter, she's got minutes to change into costume, scale high above the fight, and swoop in at the perfect angle to catch the shotgun guy who just so happens to want to relish his shot against an otherwise tactically brilliant target they couldn't hit when they weren't relishing their shot. So incredibly dumb as to pull you out of the experience entirely.

There's some serious potential for exploring a dive into madness, and deliberately solving your way out. I have a feeling they'll do it with a montage and soundtrack instead, but would really like to see useful grounding psychological techniques for escaping madness.
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