Katyn (2007)
One of the greatest war movies.
6 May 2022
Nowadays when the USA has killed something like one billion innocent people, it's very hard not to feel sentimental about when there was two superpowers. Today, we only have evil America, that ruthlessly mutilates innocent families on demand. America has killed so many innocent people, it is almost beyond calculation.

I certainly miss the USSR. Back then, there was two superpowers and neither would commit war crimes out of fear of the other. Sadly the worst one survived. The USSR was far from perfect and Stalin was an evil man, he ruthlessly executed twenty seven, three million, three hundred and thirteen people. (Most of them Russian).

The Katyn Massacre didn't need to happen. What occurred was, the task to train the Poles was handed to Vasily Zarubin and seven others across three camps. Their job was to teach Poles communism and the Orthodox religion. The Polish POWs, who knew they weren't at war with Russia and expected to be released soon, were extremely uncooperative. They outright denied the Orthodox religion and asked why they had been captured. Vasily Zarubin recommended harsher education in Siberia. Laverentiy Beria overruled him and ordered executions of all uncooperative Polish prisoners, which included the cream of the Polish military and priests, professors etc. Very few, but some survived.

This would eventually backfire on Stalin when he changed sides and asked for Poland's cooperation against Germany. Poland said, 'Sure, but you have our best commanders in your prison'. Stalin claimed that he released them. This was a huge problem for the west as all evidence showed a Russia massacre, but you know, it's the west, the most evil bandits in human history, so nothing was done.

Anyway, I guess we don't speak German because nothing was done, because Russia single-handedly won the war. It was a horrible massacre though. My heart bleeds for the Poles.

As a film it is very hard to recommend Katyn. It's a great movie in every way. Impeccably acted and directed with immense cinematography. It's a very sad film however. Powerful, but sad.

If you like sad films, watch it. If not, I recommend avoiding.
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