Review of Dick

Dick (1999)
Much funnier than I anticipated....stupid title and cover however
5 May 2022
The story is about 2 high school girls that keep stumbling into presidential situations. This catches the attention of all kinds of people worried they might know too much but really they're just high school girls. The fun is the girls giggling at most everything when everything is actually serious. And of course no one believes their tales of White House experiences.

The girls buy into Nixon, teaching him how to do the peace sign and give him all stars on their wall of fame (replacing Bobby yesterday). Their cookies even become a hit with everyone at the White House. They start to fantasize about Nixon to the point where one says she loves him on tape. But just when things were getting perfect, Nixon turns on them and now they hate him. Two down.

What to do next: "prank calls" "who should we call?" "Shawn Freshman?" "No, we always do him". They instead call the Washington Post to spill the beans on Nixon and reach Will Farrell (+ co-worker) who's a bumbling idiot; they nick name themselves "deep throat".

The feds suspect the girls of knowing too much and start digging around even stealing the infamous cookie recipe; like that's going to tell them anything. The girls endeavor to find dirt on Nixon and come upon a very young Ryan Reynolds for whom one of them asks "do you want to make out" as an opening line to which Ryan responds "sure"; if only things could be that easy.

The girls give the dirt to Farrell +1 (of course they get the Pulitzer) and the rest is history. We also find out the cookies were accidently made with pot....opps!

In the end everything is about roller skating....who doesn't like to do that!
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