Law & Order: A Losing Season (2001)
Season 11, Episode 14
Not a loser
4 May 2022
'Law and Order' was a great show in its prime. Have said more than once about preferring the earlier seasons, and that is true for 'Special Victims Unit' and 'Criminal Intent' as well. Season 11 was more hit and miss and a lot less consistent than the mostly solid to good (often great) Seasons 1-10, with some great episodes but also some real disappointments. Especially true post-Briscoe. "A Losing Season" sounded very interesting on paper, not an original concept but interesting setting.

And it is done quite well here in "A Losing Season". It is not one of the best episodes of 'Law and Order', not by a long stretch. Or one of the top 10 episodes of the season. Though certainly a long way from being one of the worst on both counts. It is in my view one of the high middle episodes of Season 11 (certainly one of the better ones of the uneven first half of it), with a nice idea done enough justice by solid if never amazing execution.

The pacing isn't perfect. It is a little routine and formulaic to begin with. Will agree too that everything with the father denial was rather clumsily written and not delved into enough, with a character that feels shoe-horned in.

Furthermore, like some episodes from Season 11 and also before and since, the final quarter felt too cramped and was in need of more breathing space.

However, a lot works extremely well. Can find nothing to fault the production values for though, the slickness and grit still present and likewise with the more fluid editing. The music is used relatively sparingly and is not too intrusively orchestrated, fitting too with the mood. The direction is generally alert but also sympathetic, shining in the character interactions in the legal scenes. Liked the tautness, edge and thought-probing of the second half's writing.

While enough of the first half absorbs thanks to the teaming of Briscoe and Green, which has gelled and contrasted so well and both are interesting wonderfully portrayed characters, the more intricate and meatier second half is more riveting despite the rushed conclusion. The moral dilemmas are interesting and provokes a lot of thought. The acting is very good from all the regulars and the supporting players aren't too shabby either.

Good if not great. 7/10.
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