Surprising whale tale is a rewarding watch for indie fans
4 May 2022
The Ghost and the Whale is a unique and engrossing independent effort. Part sensitive melodrama concerning bipolar disorder and part intense thriller - this always surprising tale is a rewarding watch for indie film enthusiasts.

The legendary Jonathan Pryce voices the titular whale who is a metaphorical crutch and a personification of the mental illness of protagonist Joseph (played by Maurice Benard) who struggles with bipolar disorder and the inability to remember exactly what happened to his wife who disappeared while they were on a sailboat years back. Everyone in the small town of Bodega Bay struggles with the disappearance of Benard's wife in different ways. Especially her clan of dysfunctional family members. Directors Anthony and James Gaudioso populate this East Coast family thriller with a bakers dozen of memorable and authentic supporting characters. However, the stand-outs are the Gaudioso twins themselves who play intrepid investigative reporter Ed Hale (James Gaudioso)---who is trying to get to the bottom of the disappearance of Benard's wife and the hulking Jack Lee (Anthony Gaudioso) Benard's psychopathic brother-in-law with only revenge on his mind.

James' reporter Ed Hale strikes the perfect balance of inquisitiveness and empathy and truly is the sympathetic heart of the film. His performance is endearing, relatable, tragic, and redemptive. James' brother (and co-director and screenwriter) Anthony also has a star-making turn as the recently paroled Jack Lee. He crafts an iconic performance with notes of Robert De Niro's Max Cady and Tom Hardy's Bane. Gaudioso chews the scenery every moment he's onscreen in a tour-de-force performance that is equal parts bravado and melancholy.

As most indie cinema these days cranks out predictable and cookie-cutter narratives TG&TW is a refreshing combo of heartfelt redemption, bitter family drama, small-town mystery, and violent conflict that will stay with you long after the credits roll.
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