No no no more Dean Jones
4 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Antonio Margheriti - the man who directed And God Said to Cain and Yor: Hunter from the Future - also made a Dean Jones Invisible Man movie, which blows what's left of my mind. Want me to go even further? This was released in U. S. theaters by K-Tel.

Yes, it's a Disney superhero movie, basically, but made in Italian and therefore things like an actor doing Peter Lorre for 1970s kids years past that being something they'd get it is exactly what I expect. And yes, that actor doing it is Luciano Pigozzi, Pag from Yor.

K-Tel started playing this in U. S. theaters in 1973 and kept pushing it past 1975 in matinees that offered the chance to win the dog - a stuffed one - if you attended. I can't even imagine how much 1973 parents hated their kids to drop them off and be assaulted by this.

Jones is Peter Denwell, trying to solve the mystery of why people get a cold, when his research is stolen and he must use an Indian formula to turn invisible. There are also moments where this formula stops working and Jones is naked. This is, again, a movie for children.

The same year Jones' co-star Ingeborg Schöner made this, she'd also be in Mark of the Devil, which is really the kind of juxtaposition I can get behind.
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