From the Dead (2019)
An Angry Zombie Husband
3 May 2022
This film begins in the small town of Lobo Creek, Texas with a man by the name of "Frank" (Will Leon) going to a nearby bar after work to have a beer. As it so happens, there is a stripper named "Angela" (Marlinda Rivera) working there who is in love with Frank and--during the course of the evening--she manages to convince him to go to one of the private rooms for a lap dance. However, because Frank is devoted to his wife "Janie" (Sarah Hollis), as soon as things begin to turn serious, Frank abruptly turns Angela down and walks out. Even so, Angela continues to flirt with Frank whenever he goes to this club and Janie soon starts to get suspicious. Eventually, one thing leads to another and problems develop in their marriage. To that effect, in one particularly angry quarrel, things turn violent and Janie accidentally kills Frank with a knife. The next morning, when Frank's brother "Chuy" (J. C. Currais) calls about him, she tells him that Frank stormed out during a recent argument and hasn't come back. The problem is that Janie's next-door neighbor "Dirk" (Ben Morrison) has witnessed the whole thing and has now decided to blackmail Janie for sex. To make matters even worse, once Chuy finds out about Frank's death, he decides to have a practitioner of black magic get involved to resurrect his brother from the dead--with disastrous consequences for all involved. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this low-budget zombie film wasn't nearly as bad as I had initially expected. Admittedly, I didn't care for some of the acting with Pepe Serna (as "Rodrigo") probably putting in the weakest performance of them all. Likewise, I thought the directors (Ryan Schafer and Hebron Simckes-Joffe) got a bit too artistic with their flashback scenes which only detracted from the film and created unnecessary confusion. That being said, while this film certainly could have used a bit of fine-tuning here and there, it wasn't terribly bad and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly below average.
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