Bones: The Recluse in the Recliner (2014)
Season 9, Episode 24
Very, very exciting.....
3 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very good and exciting episode. As cam be seen by the date. It's 2022..and Bones is still a fun, great series. I've watched the entire series several times now and allow that the writers took great poetic license with some facts for the sake of giving us wonderful entertainment. Fine by me. Afterall it's not a documentary. ...Each time I see this epi though, I am always left wishing they'd had Booth find the lovely home out in a less populated area. He and Bones have neighbors right across the driveway on each side of them and right across the street. .. In this show, they have multiple automatic weapons and explosives going off all over for several minutes and not sign one sign of police presence. No sounds of sirens approaching or screeching of cop cars stopping at the house. No cops showing up at the hospital with Booth and Brennan then surrounding her with questions as he's rushed to surgery. I like the show and appreciate that things would not have gone the way they did had the cops been there, so I look the other way. But it is logic defying that all the close neighbors heard/saw nothing while all of that action was happening. I do wish they had located them a little more outside of DC. There would have been a longer commute to work, but less of a pet peeve for me. :)

I completely understand Brennan's very emotional response at the hospital. She is a woman who loves her husband and family more than anything. And being pulled..away.. from her husband when he was at his most vulnerable (especially while having lies flung at her) made her feel scared, angry, and helpless. She may be a very logical and rational person, but she' not a robot. She took her mom's advice and has been working on releasing, a little at a time, some of that protective shell she'd wrapped herself in. This has certainly been demonstrated in her rationships with her beloved Booth and her dad.
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