Essential Viewing
2 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Richard Pryor Show (consider The Richard Pryor Special? As though it were Episode 0, when watching) was ahead of its time, likely too good for the network and audience it received, and brought us many stars early in their careers (notably Paul Mooney, John Witherspoon, Sandra Bernhard, Tim Reid, and Robin Williams).

What makes this show hit hard for me is that although it is a variety show, it is not all laughs. There are many poignant moments throughout the show, such as a diverse group of kids singing about race and equity and the wife of an alcoholic (portrayed by Maya Angelou) delivering a heartfelt and poetic monologue to her passed-out spouse. And sure, it may seem like a drag, at times, if you're expecting full throttle non-stop laughs, but I think what we see here is more of Richard Pryor, the artist. We see hilarity and silliness, but we also see thoughtful and sometimes tongue-in-cheek commentary and critiques of society along with quality culture, such as an extended sketch in a jazz club -featuring music and dancing. And in true comedy fashion, the show concludes with Pryor being roasted by the members of the cast.
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