Terrible Music, Terrible Fight Scenes, But Fun to Laugh At
1 May 2022
For a martial arts film, it has some of the dullest fight scenes. Poorly choreographed and nothing you haven't see done better in dozens of films.

This was also the worst of 80s music, the lamest third rate MTV knockoffs. An elderly Berry Gordy long past his prime trying to hold onto relevance in the music scene when his last hits were a decade before.

Vanity couldn't act to save her life, and the male lead was a blank cipher.

The only parts worth watching are for camp. The Shogun of Harlem Sho Nuff (really?) and his over the top bluster, with sidekicks dressed in football gear mixed with discount lingerie.

Fast forward to those parts and skip the rest. You'll be done in 25 minutes.
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