The League: Adios y Bienvenidos (2015)
Season 7, Episode 11
Utterly awful
25 April 2022
The League was one of my favorite shows when it first aired, and for the most part, it still holds up. The main problem is that the quality of writing drops fairly dramatically towards the end, with the entire last season being mostly devoid of laughs. This episode is the worst of them all, by a mile.

While I do love the character of Rafi, as the seasons went on, he became increasingly more cartoonish. I suppose it was fitting then that an entire Rafi and Dirty Randy episode would be animated. Too bad the episode is completely lazy and unfunny.

I can't be bothered to sit through this garbage and because of that, I disagree with the other reviewers who claim this episode has any redeeming qualities. It's far easier to skip this one entirely than it is to watch the opening and closing bits, which aren't even funny enough to get a laugh out of me. In the previous episode, Pete makes a quip about the fictional show 'The Block,' asking "If it's so good, then why is it ending after 7 seasons?" Well the answer is season 7 and this episode right here. The show's concept and its characters have been thoroughly milked for all of their worth. There's nowhere left to go creatively with it.

As if to add insult to injury, the character of Sophia is treated with complete disrespect. This is a show known for being juvenile, irreverent, and crass, but in this case the sentiment is taken way too far and it's not even remotely funny. Somehow the writing has devolved so much that it begins to make you question whether the writers truly understood what made it popular in the first place. Most of season 7 feels like the show is ****ing on itself and its viewers, but this is the worst offender.

I don't remember ever disliking the show at any particular point, though I do remember disliking this episode. The funny thing is, I don't remember ANY of the animated part, which is basically the whole thing. Having rewatched the entire series now, I would skip season 7 completely, as there are only a couple good jokes throughout the whole thing. Even if you decide to sit through season 7 for whatever reason, you're going to want to skip this episode since it is exceptionally bad.
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