These are all a nice mix of samurai genre and monster movie
25 April 2022
Return of Daimajin (1966) is a Japanese gem I recently watched on a random streaming service. The storyline follows a small town that is getting conquered by an evil dictators army. A young lady escapes and flees to a sacred temple and prays to their god to come save them. When the young lady is captured and made an example of the village god returns one last time to save the village.

This movie is directed by Kenji Misumi (Shogun Assassin) and stars Kôjirô Hongô (Satan's Sword), Shiho Fujimura (Zatoichi's Cane Sword), Tarô Marui (Fangs of Vengeance), Takashi Kanda (The Devil's Ballad) and Kôji Fujiyama (Bullet Train).

These are all a nice mix of samurai genre and monster movie, even if the monster doesn't appear until there's about 25 minutes left in the movie. The action scenes are very well choreographed and take place in some fun settings. I always love a good samurai sword fight scene. The effects on the monster is essentially a costume, mask and makeup but it works. The attack on the village at the end is good as is the final scene to conclude the series.

Overall this series is fairly consistent and worth watching for horror fans who enjoy samurai movies. I would score this a 6/10 and recommend giving it a try.
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