The Simpsons: Homer the Heretic (1992)
Season 4, Episode 3
Religion and Stupidity
24 April 2022
Lazy lump that he is, Homer decides to stay home instead of going to church. Hard to blame him when we hear that windbag preacher going on and on. I don't disrespect religion. It's when a person trained in all the dogma just throws it all out there with no respect for his (or her) flock. Does Marge really listen to this or is church just something you do? Homer probably has the right idea. Fundamentalism is probably the most dangerous thing on this earth (that includes all religions) because these people follow dictates handed down and use what is comfortable to them to bully others. While Homer is really stupid, he had every right to say, "I don't get it." That said, there are several hilarious elements to this story. Yes, the neighbors come to his aid. But it would seem, grudgingly. I did enjoy the collection for Jewish clowns thing.
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