Unworthiness and How (Not) to Deal With it
24 April 2022
Many of use have probably experienced the "trance of unworthiness" as popular Buddhist teacher Tara Brach calls the phenomenon of feeling "not good enough".

Irish farmer Anthony is a particularly strong case of this typical misguided conviction.

Wild Mountain Thyme is not "wildly romantic" as the plot summary suggests. It's rather a neurotic dramedy than a romantic comedy.

Rosemary, played by the both strong and beautiful Emily Blunt, struggles through the whole movie to convince the unworthy feeling guy to love her. This is really cringe-worthy sometimes as Anthony would rather give her up and stay unhappy as he is despite the wonderful scenery and prospects of having such a wife. On other occasions he does not manage to get his act together when actually trying to win her over.

At the end the movie becomes more of a thriller. Will the successful braggart from New York get Rosemary and the land or will Anthony finally "man up" and face his emotions and shortcomings fully to let go of his low self-esteem?

Besides that we see some heart-wrenching family stories unfolding so you may want to keep some handkerchiefs within reach.

All in all this is a movie about unworthiness or how (not) to deal with it. If you're looking for a standard romcom this movie is not for you. Do you enjoy beautiful landscapes, Irish folklore, self-discovery and emotional well-being? This is a good choice then.
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