Seinfeld: The English Patient (1997)
Season 8, Episode 17
The real joke is when you re-think on it
23 April 2022
Strangely, this was one of the best Seinfeld episodes ever. And that is mostly thanks to the storyline of Jerry. I wonder what the inspiration was behind that family of crepe makers. The three stooges? Feels like there is some strong reference or homage there, but can't nail it.

Lloyd Bridges was great in the role. How the story of the three Cubans interact with that of the crepe dynasty was cool, but got even cooler as we got to see how it didn't really "pan out" as one would expect.

What I love about the episode is what transcends its silly plots, though. Come to think of it: How could a family line of such idiots, people who have not even figured out how to teach and franchise their craft, ever been successful in the first place?

Just think on the characters of these men from three generations, and you will be amazed how improbable it would have been for such idiots to have ever run a business. And to me, that is the true gem behind this strangely charming episode!
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