Anatomy of a Fiasco
22 April 2022
This show just didn't make it. Being in the legal profession for nearly 50 years I try avoid carping criticism based on legal technicalities. For example, I think "The Verdict" with Paul Newman was a great drama, although it was not without inaccuracies in terms of its portrayal of the litigation process.

Anatomy is another story. Its problems relate to the plot devices that lead to a ridiculous ending. The first three episodes started well enough. Typical of British Productions the acting was top notch and the dialogue was witty. After that it was all downhill. Without giving away the details, it turns out that the story turns on a ridiculous twist that is impossible to accept. The ending was simply ludicrous. Oddly enough there were a few simple changes in the plot twists that could have rendered the whole story acceptable and believable.

Anyway if you wish to see a legal drama that starts with the word Anatomy I suggest Otto Preminger's great "Anatomy of a Murder" with Jimmy Stewart, Lee Remick, George C Scott et al.
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