NBA 2K15 (2014 Video Game)
The park and rec was very fun
22 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
NBA 2K15 was known for introducing a new park system for basketball gamers such as picking 3 different parks to play in with your mycareer player such as the sunset ballers, the old town flyers, and the rivet city rough riders. Sunset was known for its sunny park and beach background, rivet was more old school basketball court type play with steel chain nets on the hoops, and old town was more like the city park. Each park had different features that helped their players in gameplay such as, sunset helped players to shoot the 3 point shot at a higher percentage, while rivet was known for boosting players dunks. The best park about nba 2k15 was the new rec center. Players join in the rec and wait as a team to start a 5 on 5, four quarter game. Each mode helped players while in the park or rec to rank up either as a rookie, pro, all star, or legend which was the goal. Legend 3 is absolutely the hardest to get and you would have to play all day non stop to get there. Most players reach legend 1 or all star 3 and call it a day. The downside of this game was the glitches and the freezes that the servers had in rec or park, and also how some players would absolutely cheese unfairly to win games. MyTeam was pretty decent, no complaints. Overall, fun gameplay and exciting game, but too many players cheese.
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