The Rookie: In Justice (2021)
Season 3, Episode 2
Systemic Racism and Detective Lopez
22 April 2022
Why does Officer Doug look related to Jackson's boyfriend? The resemblance is way too similar for that to be coincidental, so I'm curious to see if a story comes out of that.

Best parts of the episode?

  • I absolutely love the systemic racism part of this episode. That suchhh an important conversation to have. I also really like that they used Harper and James be the educators instead of the white characters saying what they think is accurate. That was quite refreshing.

  • Seeing ~Detective~ Lopez in action was great! I was interested in seeing how the character dynamic would shift when the rookies are no longer rookies, but I think I'm really going to enjoy whatever they give Lopez to do.

  • The storyline of Chen and her "puppy". It was so sweet.

Worst parts of the episode?

  • Doug. I'm not a huge fan of him and how he treated D'Andre.
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