Moon Knight: The Tomb (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
Da FK Was that Ending Scene?
20 April 2022
Ok so, I was gonna give this episode a 7 because the first half could've been better and was kinda underwhelming and I'll talk about it in a second, but the ending made up for it and it has probably the most wtf ending scene I've ever seen in any show.

This episode was probably the funniest of them all, and the last scene was the funniest in the show. Which I don't mind as it didn't ruin the more serious scenes, but it was still a little weird how the tone of the last scene changed so much in the span of a few minutes.

So about the underwhelming first half, or should I say the "convenient" first half; Steven and Layla go to the tomb, which Harrow and his people have visited way before these two came around and they're all inside. But somehow, no one is outside, AND no one is inside either? These two just go in there, Steven draws a map and they just conveniently and quickly find Ammit? Really? They said something like "there's six ways here", and Harrow brought an army with him. You're telling me that NO ONE from the Harrow crew find the way? And no one was in the way of these two either? Yeah, I ain't buying that.

Before they find it though, we have some kind of magical Egyptian cannibal creature that they do some decent "horror" scenes with. It wasn't the best thing ever, but it was a decent attempt at intense and old school horror scenes. But then again, it was kinda convenient again and easy how Layla just fistfight him and won, but a guy with guns couldn't hurt him.

Anyway, things get complicated as a love triangle forms between Steven, Layla and Marc, and things get real complicated between her and Marc as more secrets about Marc's past with Layla's family is revealed.

The first half was decent and my only problem was the convenience of which Layla and Steven had in finding Ammit.

But when the last or the third part begins, you just know things just got more interesting.

And I can't say much about it as it would be just spoilers, but I can say this, that it reminded me of Legion a lot, and it's kinda an spoiler if you've watched Legion.

Oh, this episode also has one of the most awkward kissed I've ever seen in a show or a movie, but it was funny though.

The last scene is probably the most wtf scene in all of MCU and I didn't expect them to go in that direction, but I love it, unexpected and makes you wait for the next episode.

Although with this episode I especially felt again that Disney+ shows would've benefited a lot if they weren't strictly 6-episode mini series. Some plot lines and things just feel like they need more episodes and time to expand and show us more these characters' past and also not rushing the story and wrapping it up too quickly in the end.
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