Review of The Rookie

The Rookie (2018– )
S1 perfect, S2 okay, S3 uhm, S4 bye!
17 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked this show at first. Huge Nathan Fillion fan since I first saw him on Buffy, and he never disappoints. His support cast is also mostly excellent, leading mid-40's LAPD recruit John Nolan through his personal crucible.

However, the longer the show goes on, the less of a rookie John Nolan becomes. Eventually he is elected Union Representative or something. At that point the show loses its identity, funny as the election campaign against Smitty may have been.

They completely lost me in season 4 with the "wrongly accused" plot. The idea is interesting, but the character involved is so unlikable that I was rooting for him to fail at life and everything. I just wanted the garbage to end.

TL;DR: Season 1-3 watchable, season 4 was my last.

Sorry Nathan.
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