One Nightmare Stand (2018 TV Movie)
Yes, I slept with a high school boy, but it really wasn't me
16 April 2022
There's only so many ways you can spell stupid. And the lead female character is evidence that you can't fix stupid. She goes to bed with a kid she has known for, like, ten minutes. And it's not a one night's several times. Then she wonders why the kid won't leave her alone after her husband comes back. Gosh.

And then, when talking with her friend about the affair, she says she slept with him but it wasn't really her. It was the character in her book. That could be a new defense strategy when someone commits a crime- "Yeah I did it but it really wasn't me!" The whole story was overwhelmed by this woman's stupidity.

At least the dumb woman reflected on her experience and learned from it. Too bad she had ruined so much by then.
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