V-Wars: The Junkie Run of the Predator Gene (2019)
Season 1, Episode 9
Pretty good and different take on vampirism
16 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have a few critiques and questions about the show in general because I'm picky, and have watched just about every show about vampires it seems.

First, when a TV series or movie is based on a book, one should not have had to have read the book in order to understand and fully enjoy the show.

If bagged, refrigerated blood is gross to vampires (as it clearly was for Danika's sister-I already forgot her name, apologies), why not try it heated up, like coffee? Perhaps that would make it more palatable to the vampires? This never occurred to her?

Why are there different types of vampires, like Danika (can't remember the name-Vulperga?)? That hasn't been explained at all.

The vampire transformation depends on a virus being exposed to a person with a particular gene, so I figured that if the person got sick, with flulike symptoms, and recovered, like Luther (who doesn't have the required gene) that meant they'd be ok? Yet Dez, with the gene, got sick, recovered, and is fine. A bit confusing. Also, there's no mention of any other illnesses which should be widespread because the vampires are widespread.

It helped that Luther wanted to research the facts about his son, who was not in favor of being a lab rat, but it was quickly dropped. Too quickly. As some plotlines were, like the different types of vampires, and how everybody seemed to know all about them, when only one has been shown to exist (Danika). All we know is they inject heroin-like venom and keep their zombified food around awhile.

I looked forward to gazing upon Ian Somerhalder (Damon!) and enjoyed him in this, but liked him better as Damon in Vampire Diaries. The bad-boy appeal I guess. 😉

Why would whatever fake fentanyl they came up with make the vampires sick, and why would it effect their powers? And unless continuously dosed, shouldn't the fake fentanyl wear off in about 72 hours? (I've worn fentanyl patches and they're every 3 days to replace). This isn't explained either.

All in all I'm enjoying the season and wondering why there's only 1? Guess I'll find out in the final episode...
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