Review of Maelstrom

Battlestar Galactica: Maelstrom (2007)
Season 3, Episode 17
One of the Best Episodes of the Series
15 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched this series half a dozen times at least. And I'm always chomping at the bit for this episode. It is one of the deepest and most impactful episodes of the series.

Ronald Moore took the character of Starbuck to a whole new level. I grew up with the old series, and frankly, even I was skeptical about how the new Starbuck would hold up. This Starbuck would easily become one of the most profound and memorable characters in sci-fi lore. Perhaps even in all of television, Katie Sackhoff never got nearly enough credit for portraying a complex and pain-ridden character. This Starbuck was easily the best pilot, and yet she carried tremendous pain as well.

What is the absence of fear and pain? It's what you are. Call it love or truth or doesn't matter. The episode sees an "angel" helping Starbuck to transcend her self to become that which would ultimately help--not only guide the fleet to Earth--but to help end the war between human and Cylon.

I can see why this episode and the handling of Starbuck is too ambiguous for some. Many fans want everything explained and wrapped up in a nice little box with a nice little bow. The best stories are those which make YOU ask the profound questions; make YOU decide for yourself what something is, rather than have someone tell you.

Perhaps that is why Ronald Moore himself, when asked who/what Starbuck is, said that he purposely left the character of Starbuck ambiguous so that fans could provide their own feelings and interpretations based upon their own beliefs. In other words, YOU get to decide who/what Starbuck is. And there is no "right" or "wrong" answer. So then, the real question is this: do you have the courage to do some Self-exploration to find out? Can you do some soul-searching and come up with your own answer without having it laid out in front of you?

And THAT is what makes such sublime story-telling; to challenge you to bring a piece of yourself to the equation. And that is just one more reason why this is still one of the best shows in the history of television, and also why this is one of the most poignant episodes of the series.
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