Another Evil (2016)
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14 April 2022
This is one nutty movie. After watching the ghost hunter for 10 minutes, I couldn't take it anymore. I know this guy! Looked up the movie online, and Os is played by the energy vampire, Craig Robinson, on What We Do in the Shadows (Mark Proksch). Only my favorite character on the show!

Anyway, Another Evil is kind of a showcase for his comic talents. Very little horror element, the bulk of the emphasis on the movie is character-driven comedy, between two people. Playing, well, "straight man" is Steve Zissis as Dan, a successful artist (of black circles, I thought this part was real funny, with your typical art pretentions, though he does own up to it) who is experiencing a haunting in his getaway cabin. They get a ghost hunting "bro," who shows up in a sleeveless shirt, and energy drink in hand. Dan has his doubts, so Os is recommended to him. And he's got a bunch of, uh, issues (his girlfriend recently broke up with him because he had too many cats, amongst other things).

I found this movie pretty hilarious, then again, I think Mark Proksch is a comic genius. Watch the DVD deleted scenes, these crazy monologues he does, as well as interacting with Dan, are a riot. Probably too self-indulgent for the movie, and they don't exactly move the story along. But so great they're included here.

What I didn't think worked for this movie, was the final act. Where Os has to go sinister, or at least completely off the deep end, character-wise, did not work for me. Os has a laundry list of problems, but he comes off harmless enough (albeit totally misguided). Kidnapping the family and threatening to kill their son seemed out of character.

Only one thing I liked in the final act. There is a twist with the ghost, which makes you rethink what happened before, as well as the effect it had on the rest of the movie!
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