Action-packed late 60's war drama maybe not a classic, but worth seeing.
14 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The war had been over nearly 25 years by the time this film was made, and it is one of many world war films released during the 1960's, followed by more into the next decade. David McCallum was a hot TV star at the time making frequent films as well, and he's good as the hero of this film who witnesses the death of friend David Buck during a mission. Or so he thinks his friend is dead. Videos from the Germans show otherwise, and McCallum has already broken the news to Buck's girlfriend, Suzanne Neve. Now McCallum has to go behind enemy lines for another mission and hopefully rescue Buck in the process.

While there are better World War II movies from this era of an epic scope, there are also a lot worse ones. This is action pack from start to finish but has a good supporting story of human interest that guides the film from start to finish. The German attack on a church is quite brutal and shocking, and there are several scenes involving obvious suicide bombings that are quite graphic as well. A romance is insinuated between McCallum and Neve, but not really developed beyond the early stages. The film is not overly long so the viewer does not get lost in any drabness between the action sequences. Not a classic of this genre, but definitely worth watching when it pops up for airing.
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