The Ipcress File: Episode #1.6 (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
13 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well it's the final episode so you know everthing will be resolved but, the way stuff is piled on makes it feel like you're shopping in a supermarket five minutes before closing time! At times it seems as if the writers got a bit desperate and felt they had to create a labyrinthine plot just because it is a spy story. The introduction of new elements at such a late stage in a mystery drama is usually regarded as cheating.

Palmer is holed up in a scuzzy caravan with a fragmented memory. Maddox continues to try to persuade Jean to join the CIA and tells her he is an infiltrator into a group of highly-placed men who want to see the back of JFK. Or is he? Utilising off-the-peg henchman Housemartin, he kidnaps Harry but turns him over to Jean. Harry is confused. He knows he's undergone brainwashing by the IPCRESS method, but doesn't know why, although bits surface from time to time. Something to do with a hidden gun. Dalby finds out he has been set up by Polina but she buys her freedom with a revelation which shows it is not always the Russians you have to worry about. The final showdown involving Palmer and JFK could have rewritten history and we would all now be remembering where we were in June instead of November 1963, without a grassy knoll in sight!
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