Good for the daughter
11 April 2022
This guy's ego was all built up by the fact that a woman "wanted" him enough to a psychopathic point. His responses to the daughter's questions are also psychopathic and unsympathetic. His need for breaks are just fake and ridiculous. What an absolute narc.

Not to diminish the murders at all, but the last few episodes of this show are drawn-out interviews with psychotic people who don't take responsibility. Just like the religion guy and the people kept in the tree stump. Scary to think they walk amongst us. Should be called "Self-awareness isn't a thing here".

Anytime someone apologizes with an "I'm sorry you feel that way", it's useless to listen further. Never a tear in sight.

This "man" is an icky human being and participated in creating the monster. What a shame for the children. Poor little boy. Poor little girl.

I hope the daughter has found some peace. She's more mature and forgiving than most of us.

And I think I'm done watching this show.
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