A Tex Ritter away from being a Z Grade Western
9 April 2022
I'm sure formally this film is classified as a B movie. I also think the DVD copy I watched added to the crappy technical aspects-both because of a bad transfer and damage to the print they used wasn't fixed at all. But this film is so corny, so badly put together, so cheap looking and has such odd elements included-i.e. The 5 minutes of Scouting documentary, a really dark story beat in the climax involving a kid-that it plays out like a Western version of say Robot Monster and other psychotronic disasters. The film has hints of the sublime awfulness that unintentional camp is made from.

Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your perspective, the acting is just competent enough that this is a just a bad film; it's entertaining enough in its schlocky aspects. Ritter has enough natural charm to make his character worth rooting for and alas prevent the sublime awfulness to fully flower in the film.

So I enjoyed it but it is lands in a middling spot where it is neither good nor bad enough to love.
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