The Flash: Reckless (2022)
Season 8, Episode 10
Since this episode is called "Reckless"... Didn't I Already Make This Joke?
8 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was dumb, but not so dumb that I hated it. There was a really cool moment at the end where we finally get to hear Robbie Amell's voice return to the role of Ronnie Raymond, and Frost is still probably the show's best female character despite her being kinda stupid this week. Everything else though just makes this entire episode feel... Is anyone else getting Deja Vu? Like, didn't I make a review that started exactly like this almost a year ago? I did, didn't I? What was the name of that episode again? "Timeless"? Oh. I'm starting to sense a pattern.

In all seriousness though, the resemblance to "Timeless" from last season is uncanny! "Reckless" is an episode in which Barry's thoughts and feelings get sidelined in favor of making a female side character that's been around since season 1 the lead of an episode without any real justification other than "CW", Deon shows up and uses his wibbly wobbly timey wimey powers on at least one member of the STAR Labs team that results in Barry getting a pep talk from Joe later in the episode, a piece of STAR Labs tech from a previous season is frankenstiened into a plot device, characters stand around talking all episode without a single action scene, Barry stares at some CGI coming from the sky instead of doing something to stop it from happening, a character from a previous season returns for a one-off appearance where they spontaneously have powers that the writers pull out of their (word that's not allowed on IMDB), a feeling that the entire episode could be skipped except for the last minute, that serves as the lead-in to a two part final episode of a designated story arc, and ends with the suffix "-less".

I don't have anything else to say. It's a pointless episode. But hey, the writers just made the same episode twice, so that means less work for me.

5 / 10

If the eleventh episode of season 9 is a skippable episode ending in the suffix "-less", I will take it as concrete fact that the writers are making some kind of sick inside joke at that point lol. In the immortal words of Black Lightning's Tobias Whale, "Once is chance. Second time is coincidence, but a third? Now, that's a pattern."
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