Review of Morbius

Morbius (2022)
Why didn't I check the rating first?!
5 April 2022
Dear God, what a mess. If I'd seen Morbius had an average rating of 5.2, I wouldn't have touched it with a barge pole. Now it all makes sense. Please, I beg you, don't make the same mistake I did and waste your precious money and time watching this moribund specimen, on the big screen or otherwise. I swear if I had been watching it at home on freeview, I'd have turned over to another channel to watch something else. I haven't been so disappointed by a film of this kind since I saw The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen; yes, it's almost that bad.

There really are no redeeming features to this. The plot is paper thin, character development perfunctory, the effects are not special (just a bit irritating), and it's not even cool. I counted two lines of dialogue which raised a hint of a smile, and it's so predictable. That I can forgive if I'm entertained, but Morbius failed by every measure. The casting wasn't terrible - I've enjoyed work by all the main actors before - but they really had nothing to get their teeth into. The kindest thing I can say is that it was less than 2 hours long, giving me time to write this review when I got home. If someone did away with the director and the script writer, I dare say no one would miss them.
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