Morbius (2022)
It's not good
5 April 2022
The nicest thing I have to say about this movie is at least Green Lantern was worse

This movie was kind of doomed to fail from the start, which is why I originally had no plans to see it. But then the reviews were in and I had to see it for myself, and I was honestly let down it wasn't worse to be honest. Don't get me wrong, it's not good but it's not "so bad it's good."

There actually were objectively good things about this made me feel like people were just being too harsh on the movie at first. Jared Leto was honestly pretty good in the role of Michael Morbius. Not ground breaking, but if this movie was a lot better he would fit right in. A lot of the characters were actually somewhat interesting to follow and the science was honestly kind of fascinating at times. Also some of the cinematography was cool to look at, and some shots stick out to me as legitimately solid

But then the movie kept going....and what else can I say? The cgi was unforgivable, the story got bland and boring, a lot of the dialogue is pretty stupid, and the action starts out decent but slowly declines as the movie progresses. You can even tel a lot of what they probably wanted to show was dulled down because it needed to be PG-13, which venom also suffered from but this was even worse. You can even see Morbius slash an enemy in the neck, and you hear the sound effects of blood spewing but their neck is pretty much bone dry

There's also one scene specifically I thought was REALLY stupid, and it was the exact moment I shifted from "This movie isn't THAT bad at all" to "Ok no, this movie is kinda garbage." Then the movie goes from stupid, to boring, back to stupid, and finishes extremely anti climactically. I went from probably being able to defend this movie to wishing I spent my money watching The Batman again

Speaking of Batman, yeah there's so many things straight up stolen from other movies! There's a shot straight out of both Batman Begins and the usual suspects. Want something to look forward to, try to spot them when you see it

So in the end, I expected much worse than what I saw, but it would be a disservice to call this movie even passable. Fine moments here and there, but select enjoyable elements while everything else is making the movie unbearable does not a good movie make. And normally I close out my reviews working in a line from either the trailer or the movie (For example I closed out my review of The Batman with "I thought Uncharted would be my favorite movie of 2022, but the truth was unmasked in front of me,") but honestly I got nothing. This movie was so forgettable I can't even conjure up a single memorable line other than "I am Venom." Whatever, this movie's bad.
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