Review of Luna Park

Luna Park (2021)
Bad music makes this show even worse
29 March 2022
I really wanted to like this show, but it was impossible. I recently watched another lightweight Italian series on Netflix that I did enjoy -- "Guida Astrologica per Cuori Infranti" -- and I was hoping that this one would be similar. Since my primary motive was to practice understanding standard Italian (as opposed to the Neapolitan dialect in Gomorrah) I naturally watched the version in Italian with subtitles.

But this series is garbage. The plot is a worn-out cliche, the acting is dreadful, the characters are unbelievably dense, and the soundtrack made me want to run screaming from my TV. Somehow someone thought it would be a good idea to make a show set in the 1960s and yet avoid using ANY music from that famously musical decade.

Still worse, when a familiar tune (from a much later decade) pops up, it isn't just background music -- it dominates the mix so heavily that the dialogue is drowned out.

I mean really -- they picked "Lovefool," a 1992 dance hit from a Swedish pop group, to convey girlish excitement in Italy in the 1960s??

Moreover, the writers don't seem to know anything about anything in their story. There's an early scene that is evidently supposed to be a Tarot card reading -- yet it proceeds like no Tarot reading I've ever heard of, with the reader (not the querent) selecting cards at random from a spread and then just laying them down side by side. We never see a single card face-up. At one point the reader refers to "The Old Woman," which isn't even a Tarot card.

It looks like nobody took the trouble to learn what they needed to know. As a result the series is so idiotic that I can guarantee you this: Any reviewer who gives it a 10 is a paid shill. Of the 11 reviews visible at this moment, only a few sound like they were written by someone who actually watched the show. I gave up after the first episode.
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