Star Trek: Discovery: Coming Home (2022)
Season 4, Episode 13
A Senior Trekker writes.....................
28 March 2022
Well, thank goodness that's over for another year. I just about managed to skip-watch it to the end so as not to allow myself to be defeated by Mr Kz but if another season is actually made, I think I'm going to have to give myself a pass. As I already have with Lower Decks and Short Treks. Whatever that last episode of Discovery was, it was not any type of Star Trek that I want to give up my time to stagger through. It has sapped my will so badly I can't even find the strength to ridicule it.

Today I reached the end of my review of the Next Generation and next week I will start on the original 1966 series. The earlier productions that bore the name Star Trek are far from perfect but there is a lot of classic Science Fiction in there and the only tears being shed are ours: either from laughter or for the occasional genuine tragedy.

Please feel free to join me.
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