Great for Background Noise
24 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this movie. It has good actors and good acting. It has a nice story premise, but its execution was shallow and frequently hard to believe.

I find it hard to believe the first thing the dog did when it went home with Daniel is poop on the floor, but hey, maybe that can happen when a dog is overly excited.

I also don't think a dog would run away from home (later in the movie - after they've bonded) and hide under a bridge while her human is calling her name just a few feet away - after he acts a little cranky around her when he thinks she failed at a search. Dogs can handle a little cranky. They might pick up on a human's moods, but not enough to run away like a little kid throwing a temper tantrum.

What I really doubt, however, is the part where Daniel supposedly gives the boy who is lost CPR. The boy has been lost all day. If the kid fell and stopped breathing for longer than a few minutes, there's no saving him. I suppose, *if* the boy had become lost and had been walking around for hours and *if* he had *just* fallen a few minutes before Ruby found him, then *maybe* it could have worked. Lots of ifs and a big maybe there.

Additionally, no ambulance is equipped with the necessary items to determine if the kid, who's been described as having internal injuries and a broken leg, would be "just fine", as is stated by the chief K-9 officer when they all get back out of the little ravine the kid fell into.

Also, even though I find it strange that someone would be made an official K-9 officer on the spot right after a big search was finished, I'll say, sure, in an emotional moment. I don't believe his very pregnant wife would just coincidentally show up on the spot without their toddler or mention of where he is.

The only believable part of the movie was in the end credits, where the real Daniel and Ruby are shown in pictures and real life information is imparted, as well as outtakes from the dog and the toddler. Those were heartwarming and funny.

If all you wanted was happy-ending, bland-food, or background-noise entertainment, then this will likely be a great watch for you.
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