Legitimately the worst movie I have ever seen
24 March 2022
The positive reviews on here have to be either from the creators of the film or their friends, because this is truthfully the worst film I've ever seen. The acting is abysmal, the characters are unlikeable to the point that the film is unwatchable, and there is fake film grain and effects added to make it look like a found footage film when it is clearly added post production and is filmed on a modern camera. The film contains real gore and shock footage from various shock websites, which I suppose is the selling point here. Even in that regard, the film fails. It's a cheap way to shock the viewer, and the people that are going to watch this movie to see the footage have probably already seen everything in it or similar so I truly don't know who the audience for this is. Truthfully a waste of time, and begs the question if video cameras should be as widely available as they are. Yes, this film is this bad. This film doesn't deserve the amount of time I've spent on this review, and it doesn't deserve your time or money. Truthfully, the filmmakers should be ashamed for making something that is this bad. Boring, annoying, poorly produced, poorly lit, poor sound editing, poor acting, poor me. I would rather get repeatedly kicked in the genitals than watch this again.
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