Our Ladies (2019)
21 March 2022
Tell modern women acting like a slave to a man's wet dream by constantly objectifying yourself is feminism and freedom and they will do it in an instant.

This is what first wave of feminism was against,vulgar skanks who tough men that females are sex objects. Real feminists wanted to take out females out of sex. Feminism wasn't about worker rights,majority of first wave feminists were happy housewives but they saw what prostitution did to others,first and foremost it was a fight against objectification, destroying brothels and other 'houses' of female humiliation and rather giving females a right to find an actual job if they didn't want to marry and be housewives.

That's what real feminism stood for,a choice to either have a job that doesn't humiliate you and gives you intellectual pleasure or a choice to be at home raising kids taking care of a huge house--(which I would consider a real job because back then they didn't have any technology that we do now and 2 parents working was impossible unless you owned slaves,it took hours of hard work to clean and wash and cook,now it's 30 minutes work and females can easily work part time at least while having 100% of chores on their shoulders,back then you also didn't have so many choices where to leave your kids so one parent always had to be at home)--
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