NCIS: Troll (2015)
Season 12, Episode 22
Not up to usual NICS standards
19 March 2022
I'm never a fan of these "hunt the terrorist" episodes as NCIS completely changes for, in this case, 4 episodes. The trademark humour is suddenly absent and all we get are bad guy caricatures. The terrorist kids plot was just overly melodramatic and much of it I found unbelievable. At one point in one of the episodes Vance says they have recruited children in every branch of government, or something to that effect. What is this ? Children of the Corn ?! Also now we're torturing suspects ? Apart from dodgy plot elements and writing there's still some good performances from the cast but its inconsistent. Look, I know the writers have to make an effort to keep viewers and get into that next season but this all lacks the usual sophistication of the series. I don't know maybe that's the point to bring in an emotive zero sum game but judging by the quality of the writing in other episodes they can do better than this.
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