16 March 2022
I have been waiting for this documentary since I read that it was in the making, I'm disgusted and ashamed that I was ever a fan of his, I never read or saw any of the accusations previous to all of this hitting recently. I was fairly young growing up; idolizing him. When people say "of course he was into aggressive sex, he's Marilyn Manson" - ya, you would always think that but you always thought the partner was Agreeing and A wanted participator and they weren't and comments like that; are victim blaming .

I stand with Evan Rachel Wood- I stand with all of his victims.

Marilyn Manson is an abuser & rapist.

Brian Warner/Marilyn Manson tortured, raped, emotionally abused, and beaten a lot of women.

Let this documentary find its way to sooooo many screens in this world. Let-him-burn-
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