The Morning Show: Laura (2021)
Season 2, Episode 3
They did what!!
16 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The smooch essentially comes out of nowhere and, to be honest, feels like the kind of sensationalistic and/or salacious twist that this sort of show should be above. We've had little indication prior to this moment that Bradley is into women in that way, and the slight hint that she might just be kissing Laura in order to keep her from asking about the fact that Bradley wasn't exactly vetted for her co-host role makes everything uncomfortable. But making it seem as though Bradley threw herself at the first person in a while who was both nice to her and complimented her professional skill is...well, Reese Witherspoon deserves better. In fairness, I wish The Morning Show was spending more time on Alex's clearly mixed emotions about returning to the job she left behind, and the way she seems to both crave and resent the way everyone at TMS and UBA keeps referring to her as some kind of feminist icon. The entire subplot of sending Daniel to Wuhan, China seemed like a waste and accomplished almost nothing, save showing viewers that thousands of people were forced to evacuate before the city shut down. Unfortunately, Stella has still had little to do so far this season beyond performing basic lackey duties for Cory, which feels like so much wasted potential when she's actually suggesting the sorts of things that would turn the network around. It's not an accident that it's Stella who wanted to overhaul the entire make-up of The Morning Show and agitated to bring in hosts that weren't cis white women. Yet, it still feels like with every episode that passes things just slip back toward the status quo of.
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