Valentine's Again (2017 TV Movie)
Greg Vaughan steals the show in this groundhog's-day-like romance.
15 March 2022
Kat is an advertising executive who is very uptight and driven...everything from her job to her clothes and hair is controlled and neat as a pin.

It is Valentine's Day and she is finally meeting her internet guy in person...everything seems perfect until he finds out she has a dog (you'd think that would have come up during their "chats"!?!?!). Swearing off men for good she goes home only to wake up to discover she is repeating Valentine's Day all over again.

She meets a fairy godmother type woman who tells her that she spoke to her soul mate and she just needs to pay more attention. She makes a list and actively seeks each man out...hoping to suss out her soulmate, this is met with failure and more repeated Valentine's Days. She doesn't really work on herself any and it's not until she does that her eyes are opened a it really all about cat food?

Greg Vaughan really makes this romance. If only we all took the time to see the sparkle of delight in people's eyes.

Very slow build but decent romance.
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