Final Exam (1981)
Intensity over gore
12 March 2022
Final Exam - 1981 ( This Film Rates a B+ ) A brutal serial killer stalks a group of students at a local college campus. Its just days before summer vacation and filled with final exams, partying, hazing rituals and a really bad school prank that is over the top. Soon, the killer arrives. His identity or motives are not known throughout the entire film even the ending lends nothing. The opening murder was intense even if lacking gore. A solid sequence which carries on throughout the film even if far and few between. The film has some well developed characterization however it leads to overlong pacing problems. The Tool Box Murders, The Corpse Grinders and Murder Is My Beat posters on the dorm walls were great and seen several times. The acting and script have some awful and painful moments, but overall it seems to be on par with early 80's low budget horror. The soundtrack isn't spectacular but it really fits the film and most sequences. There has been mention before about the homoeroticism between characters, especially with the fraternity and its confirmed here though not outright. Its subtle and not intended. This slasher film works on so many levels even when it shouldn't. There are many drawbacks, including only one really brief T&A scene.
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