Our House (2022)
Great story...RUINED!
12 March 2022
"Our House" has a really great story, full of cleverly devised twists and turns. So full marks to Louise Candlish.

Indeed, I would have given it 10 stars, but for the appalling "trendy" production which is so often evident in modern drama. This is the infuriating and confusing editing technique of jumping back and forth in time. It starts in the present, then it goes back 10 years or so, then it comes forward a bit, back a bit, then you are in the present, then you're back 7 years or something.

The producers of so many dramas these days feel compelled to do this jumping about in time, a bit like those infuriating "previously..." and "coming up..." inserts into reality shows.

The thing is that with all of the arts, it's never about originality as most people fondly believe, it's about "follow my leader", keeping in with the latest trend.

What a total waste of a brilliant story and great actors too!
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