Oh holy cow
5 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It turns out that the Bible isn't prophetic enough as is, the world's leading cryptologists have discovered a secret code embedded within the text; every other word reveals eerily accurate predictions when interpreted by morons. It becomes even more astonishing when you combine the third word from every seventh line on even numbered pages with the seventh word on every third line from odd numbered pages and discover such gems as "Mountain stop water tree" which clearly refers to the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand triggering the start of WWI. To further ensure that mere mortals are able to properly receive these sacred messages, God sends the archangels Simon and Garfunkel who appear to add nothing to the advancement of the plot. All seriousness aside, this could almost pass for one of those bad parody films like "Scary Movie" or "Cats". It's really that bad. The writing is particularly lame, "I promise you, I will never, ever take off and leave you and Maddie alone while I follow the leader of the European Union around the world searching for Biblical clues to the end times. I will stay here with you forever and ever to the ends of the earth. Or until tomorrow. Whichever comes first." Michael York thinks this is Shakespeare. It's not. And I don't think I've ever seen Michael Ironside ever play a good guy. Unless you count "Total Recall" where he tried to kill Arnold Schwarzenegger. All in all, it's good for a laugh, but I'm afraid it wasn't meant to be a comedy.
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