Resident Alien: Old Friends (2022)
Season 2, Episode 1
Old Friends
26 February 2022
Resident Alien returns for a second season and I had even forgotten that the first series was broadcast just a year earlier.

I looked at some of the cast members and wondered if they had been replaced by new actors. Some of them looked different.

One think that was different was the lack of location shooting. There was a lot of green screen on display such as the lake house. It implies budget cuts.

Harry and Max were involved in a crash with the spaceship. Harry gets a head injury and wakes up in a hospital thinking he is an alien.

Later he acts like Lennie Briscoe from Law & Order.

I thought the first episode was flat. The humour was forced. It concentrated too much on other characters.

It already looks like that this is going to be a disappointing season. It has creative bankruptcy stamped all over it.
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