Painting with John (2021–2023)
Artistic man tells awful stories
26 February 2022
Jazzman John Lurie turns multimedia storyteller. It's bizarre and interesting. But let's face it, John is an awful, awful storyteller. He will spend five minutes setting the scene for what could have been an interesting story in the hands of an experienced narrator, and then invariably the story abruptly ends or fizzles out anticlimatically. That's fine.

I really like John's art that he will paint while he narrates his stories. His art is much like his music: layered, whimsical, and thematic. His music, which is played in segments during his show, is the perfect accompaniment to his painting.

First episode this second season, he introduced more polished implementation of visual multimedia that reminds me of the crude work Terry Gilliam did for Monty pythons. The one thing I absolutely hated about MP, was Terry Gilliam's dreadful cartoonery. So there's that.

I recommend this show to those whom enjoy jazz, the avant-garde, and whimsy. I absolutely don't recommend it to those who need action, resolution, sex, violence, or anything else typical in American cinema.
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