Most dumbest horror film I have seen in this Generation
26 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie will piss you off slaright away for you to press dislikes button this has unlikeable characters, actors are just horrible choices of actors to pick is like lead girl Sarah Yarkin terrible looks, terrible acting just boring bland girl she is her acting is like Box like an empty Box just saying what is is in Box??? Just empty Box that's her acting I thought she was just boring look, boring actress nothing to her personality theirs nothing to her character at all it's maybe that's how she is written. I thought movie was too rushed and trying soo hard to be a Nostalgic as it can be like 2018 Halloween that movie is done better then to this garbage film. Also stupid silly script, if you extremely loved Texas Chainsaw Massacre original this is related to that but you will be raged and pissed off with film completely out raged like you wanna destroy this movie until it doesn't exist story follows Nearly 50 years after Leatherface's killing spree in 1973, in the very first Texas Chainsaw Massacre young entrepreneurs Melody (Sarah Yarkin) and Dante (Jacob Latimore) Melody's sister Lila (Elsie Fisher) and Dante's girlfriend Ruth (Nell Hudson) travel to the abandoned Texas town of Harlow, to auction off old properties to create a trendy, heavily gentrified area. While inspecting a dilapidated orphanage. Group found this house it belongs to this old lady Ginny When she claims she has papers to prove she still owns the property then in script you have this political thing like making white people are racist she calls Dante N word so making Red necks like a racist I understand she is a racist but this movie is becoming like a pollical like white people are racist this and that in movie. An argument breaks out, briefly interrupted by a silent and towering man from upstairs. Ginny then collapses from a heart attack and is rushed to hospital in a police van with Ruth as passenger witch wasn't good idea for her to go. After

while they were driving, Ginny passes away dies Leatherface gets angry kills cop, van crashed then for some stupid reason her rips off Ginny face off wears it then he goes off for killing spree. You have characters doing stupid decisions and stupid choices like Ruth is front passenger seat next to Dead cop you could taken his gun, taser or something to product you and she takes all time to think what is her next move this and that when do I get out off van while Leatherface ripping out Ginny face off, she speaks in radio calling for help, in scene you have Sally Hardesty (Olwen Fouéré) she is actress that replaced Marilyn Burns that actress sadly passed away in 2014. Sally heard Ruth calling out for help that on radio when she did that she was seeing where Leatherface samething she turns around she is behind her drags Ruth, kills her I am like??? If you taken gun or something if you gotten out of van and run like hell in cornfield but no because writers make her like idiot. Leatherface is back for killing spree Sally heard Ruth calling for help, then that's when Sally goes out for revenge. And theirs nothing to her character at all she is not much in it to say like when you watch Halloween (2018) Jamie lee Curtis character was used better and not wasted or overused doing stupid choices at least she was used better in Halloween (2018) not wasted. In Texas Chainsaw Massacre series (1973) if your fan of first movie you will be raged of what happened to her character and how stupid directors or writers made her she wasn't part of movie she was just over used and she did nothing in movie nothing at all, theirs no backstory about her theirs no update to her character she just works in farm killing pigs, sluaghting pigs that's it no telling backstory of what happened in 1973 or showing her what is update with her character she is important character in film franchise. Like director or writer didn't even update her character... just have one survivor character have her not part of movie over used for nothing.

And you have a scene where she goes in room where Leatherface really is she points shotgun she wants him to remember what he really did to her friends and want him to remember her name?? I am like does Leatherface give a crap about what happened 50 years ago??? Just shoot Leatherface he leaves room and she did nothing but crapped her pants. Just director and writers made her look like an idiot making her doing stupid choices, stupid silly choices just makes me wanna laugh even more. Then Sally got killed off got lifted up by Leatherface while Chainsaw is stuck in her stomach throws her where garbage bags are like where this movie belongs to and she doesn't die just yet after chainsaw goes right threw stomach, she encourages Lila to pick up shotgun and shoot Leatherface to average her??? Film will kill your braincells of how pointless this movie really is this film didn't needed Sally at all she was just overused and did nothing in this movie made her like idiot her trying to kill Leatherface failed so it toke him for 50 years to kill someone that she got away with in first movie she is a survivor and now she is Dead of her stupidly I highly doubt it Leatherface pats himself in back of how happy he kills last survivor because he got really upset when she got happy and now 50 years he extremely happy theirs no survivors from past. And script was just how it was written and how it's made is just silly and stupid written and felt rushed movie felt too rushed and overused like they written sally in silly stupid way making her character like a clumsy old lady doesn't know how to shoot, other characters make stupid decisions I thought Dante was unlikeable prick he is of his character so why should I have respect for his character. Script was soo stupidly written like scene where group of people in Bus pulling out their phones recording it as live stream and saying don't do anything or else you will be canceled???? When I heard that, that line in movie doesn't make jack sense in script what so ever is someone in this movie is part of cancel culture witch made me to hate movie even more, stupidest thing for group of people not thinking to escape they were banging on windows, until last survivor in bus, opens window gets cut on half by Leatherface. I am like early ago why didn't rest of people opened window and escaped?? Rather then banging on window when theirs NO help Sally toke like minutes later after Bus Massacre. Most stupidest line in movie you will be canceled so what??? That's gonna stop Leatherface??? That line in movie was lazy, poorly written before all Massacre happened why didn't Melody warn everyone theirs a killer?? Why didn't she help people to help open windows for them to escape??? But no nothing just kept your month shut until idiot says you will be canceled??? I liked that scene in Bus killing Cancel Culture people witch is a funny scene made me laugh so hard, love that scene because no one likes Cancel Culture I do understand. This movie is like lazy, lazy writing, lazy poster, lazy script, stupidest silly lines and dialogs like cancel line witch made me so pissed off killing off and overused original survivor character, then thrown her into garbage bags are that's your final original characters. This movie felt rushed, too overused, unlikeable character like Dante I hated him so BAD, this movie is political like White person is against black person rather then just sticking to character and story??, making characters looking like an idiots, making stupid choices, movie wanted to make a Nostalgic type but it wasn't enough Nostalgic, Halloween (2018) was much more Nostalgic then to this movie. And showdown of this movie is just short, overused, rushed, theirs no effort in this movie at all David Blue Garcia director of this movie made 1 movie in this career this is his 2nd movie it's soo bad poorly written because of this movie horrible director that's how you can tell he made this movie like trash stinks like crap. That's why you don't hire a director who made only 1 movie in his career that tells he shouldn't

never write movie not even in million years. Got not the heart nor the soul of Tobe Hooper's original movie. One of those modern movies adaptions that will fall quickly just like how this movie quickly failed. Film, wasted tons of pure potential. Delivers nothing but an awful result, being useless and nonsense for all the duration. The 1974 movie left a sense of pure fear and gruesome. Insulting to the viewers intelligence to Die Hard fans, I am not fan of Texas Chainsaw Massacre I liked 1st and 2nd, remake was best in my opinion people if you want see something new just go remake (2003) Texas Chainsaw Massacre starting Jessica Biel at least she is hot looking girl, a very strong lead, good looking lead, at least she makes better choices and how she defends Leatherface much better in

this movie then to Melody or her Lila even Jessica Biel character can kick the crap of those sisters anytime of day, anywhere tie their hands on their back up feet at least Jessica Biel looks like a girl, looks like a Brave Badass and how she Defeated Leatherface was 100 times Better and how she acted was better at least remake had imagination and did a lot different with this Ninth Chainsaw Massacre film looked cheap, actors looked boring and bland nothing to their characters lead girl is like wanna be look like Ripley from Aliens butch type she just looked BORING like empty box that's her performance, script was rushed, god awful, movie rushed, killed off final survivor Sally her character was too overused, at last thing is, this movie has ZERO imagination. If you want Imagination and creative go and watch 1974 Texas Chainsaw Massacre or Sequel with Dennis Hopper or Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) remake and pretend this movie didn't happen.
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