Silent Witness: Seven Times: Part 2 (2020)
Season 23, Episode 6
Worse thant the first part
22 February 2022
It's interesting that this episode got such low ratings, for many for being 'woke' - I hate the word. It seems to have been disliked by male and female vieweers for different reasons. It is indeed weak and problematic.

A major issues for me is that it was poor storytelling, even worse than the prevoius episode. At times it was forgotten completely that this is a forensic crime drama and more a story about social issues. In this way, it all seems a bit forced, even patronising, as if it is telling you and explaining to you rather than showing you.

More to the point, it was - like the previous epiisode - quite rushed in its resolution.

Another issue: this must be the first time that I recall that we see gay people on SW, in all these years. And the underlying assumption is quite problematic - 'yes, men do that, but you see? Women do that too?' (black women for that...)

I've seen in imdb that Amanda Burton is returning to the show and I can't wait to see that! Nikki Alexander is the most privileged white middle-class pathologist I've watched for a while....
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