D.O.A. (1949)
Worth watching
22 February 2022
This is hard to see with fresh eye. The plot is really inventive (although certainly not unique) but it might seem too common with all we've see since 1949.

It may not be fair to say the cast is weak, since some of the weaker performances are early in their careers. Neville Brand is bizarrely creepy as Chester.

Is it just me? Bigelow goes to the doctor with an upset stomach and they call in a toxicologist who does a full blood panel on the spot? My doctor, who I like, would have just nodded empathetically and told me to take it easy and let him know if I don't feel better.

Is it just me? I know Dimitri Tiomkin is a well-respected composer but the music did't always seem to serve this movie. On occasion, it was more like a Looney Tunes score emphasizing action rather than mood.

Still, this is a good noir that plays with conventions in interesting ways.
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